Do Smaller Mower Decks Cut Better?

Do Smaller Mower Decks Cut Better

Do smaller mower decks cut better? I can answer this question based on the acres of land you want to mow.

I often visit the websites of manufacturers of lawn mowers, where I read about the different deck sizes. When the mower deck width is listed, some people want to know what exactly was being measured.

Manufacturers refer to the width of a mower deck as the cutting width of the deck.

Do Smaller Mower Decks Cut Better
Do Smaller Mower Decks Cut Better

What is the cutting width of the deck?

Simply put, the cutting width of the deck is the actual width of grass, which is cut from the outside blade of one side of the mower deck to the outside blade of the opposite end of the mower deck.

Although bigger mower decks cut better, smaller mower decks tend to leave a better final-cut appearance.

Regardless, many factors can affect the overall appearance of the final cut.

Factors that affect the final cut appearance

Tire tracks:

The tires of heavier mowers tend to leave imprints on the grass while there are not any noticeable tracks while using a small lawn mower

The number of blades:

Smaller lawn mowers show more even cuts as there is only one blade, unlike the multiple blades found in bigger lawn mowers. With small lawn mowers, the expected engine horsepower from the engine is around 3600 RPMs. There is more blade speed with a single-blade mower bolted directly to the engine.

Unlike smaller decks, bigger decks usually have about two or three blades that give uneven cuts regardless of whether or not the deck is set up correctly.

Once one of the blades bends, you will be able to see the rigid cuts formed as a result of your lawn.

Follows contours and undulations:

Larger format mower decks will not be able to follow the contours of the ground, unlike smaller decks, especially when there are small dips and undulations.

With a deck size of 20”or smaller, it will be much easier getting small rolls in the years and you will be able to cut the grass the first time rather than double cut.

Ability to cut shorter and have a carpet look:

Many small lawn mowers with a deep deck of about 3” or 4” in size can produce a better vacuum off the blade, unlike the larger format deck.

As a result, many homeowners can cut grass shorter using a smaller deck without scalping the grass in the process. This, in turn, gives a better final cut appearance and a more Capet-like look.

Why a Bigger Mower is not Always Better?

While bigger things may seem more efficient and functional, there are always exceptions. Many lawn maintenance professionals who take on jobs of mowing a large area often opt for bigger mowers.

A popular thought is that the job may be done faster with bigger and much wider mowers. However, with lawns or acres of grass that have several slopes, closely spaced obstacles, culverts, sharp corners, and so on, a smaller and maneuverable mower would be more efficient in getting the job done faster.

Many commercial or residential lawn areas are often flat. Lawn maintenance professionals are usually tasked with mowing hills, inclines, and sudden dips.

Here are some of the disadvantages of using larger mowers:

Not enough room for deck of the mower to reach the lowest parts of a culvert:

One of the major problems encountered using larger mowers is that there usually is not enough room for the deck of the large mower to get to the lowest part of a culvert. As such, you may need to bring in a smaller mower which increases the time taken for you to get the job done.

Trouble maneuvering obstacles

You may also find some challenging obstacles in the lawn. Some of which include:

  • Signs
  • Light post
  • Trees
  • Shrubs
  • Walls
  • Fencing and so on

With a large mower, you may need to dodge some of these parts and if they are few feet apart, you’ll surely need to get a smaller mower to finish the job.

The stand-on design in smaller machines can handle tight spaces, which helps the operator maintain control while shifting positions to avoid low branches or other obstacles.

Storage space:

In the case of storage space, larger mowers tend to take up more space on your trailers, leaving you with less space for other equipment you may need.

Big weight:

Bigger lawn mowers weigh much more than smaller lawn mowers. Lawns that have been softened by water from sprinkler systems or overnight rains will not be able to handle the 1,200 Ib of a large mower without inflicting some damage.

Although the grass is mowed, there will be adverse effects such as ruts and ridges the soil and your client may not want this.

  1. They can cause gouging
  2. They can cause scalping of the grass
  3. They may leave uneven cuts on troughs or drainage channels

Large or mega-sized mowers are still very efficient, as some jobs require the use of larger mowers. However, a lot of mowing jobs can be handled effectively using small to mid-sized machines.

A stand-on mower allows operators to be more productive and handle an entire job of maneuvering obstacles and challenging the terrain all by itself.


Do smaller mower decks cut better?

Smaller lawn mowers usually leave a more even cut, using one blade rather than the multiple blades in larger mowers.

On the engine, the horsepower will give about 3600 RPMs.

Is a wider lawn mower better?

One disadvantage of wider lawn mowers is that it takes up more space and leaves less space for other equipment that can help you during the job.

It is known that two small or mid-sized mowers will always be more efficient than one big mower.

How wide should my lawn mower be?

Before purchasing any lawn mower, it is important to consider the size of your lawn. Smaller lawns will require a smaller mower (the exact width your lawn mower will be able to cut in a single pass).

For instance, a 20-inch walk behind a mower can be the ideal mower size for a small yard. However, for a larger yard, you can get a mower that is about 21-22 inches to finish the job faster.