6 Best Insecticides for Roses Guide

Best Insecticides for Roses

Roses are beautiful flowers but can be destroyed by pests. The introduction of the best insecticides for roses has made it easier for gardeners to eliminate these pests.

You do not need every insecticide listed under the best insecticides for roses on the market. You should do your research before you make your purchase.

Best Insecticides for Roses

Top insecticides for roses – My Pick


We picked Bonide Insect Control as our favorite insecticide to take care of your rose garden because of its numerous features.

Bonide Insect Control Systemic Granules, 4 lbs. Ready-to-Use Water Resistant Long Lasting Protection Outdoor Use
  • Protect plants from insect damage with Systemic Granules for Insect Control from Bonide; this product is a low odor ready-to-use solution for outdoor plants
  • Protection lasts for up to 8 weeks after application; the granular treatment is absorbed into the roots and continues to move through the plant to provide protection against listed insects; this protection will not be washed away with water
  • Product kills insects such as mealybug, aphids, scale, and more through ingestion; this product will not harm insects that do not feed on plants
  • Systemic Insect Control Granules are not intended for use on edible plants like herbs, vegetables or fruit bearing plants
  • This product arrives conveniently ready-to-use; to use apply granules evenly to the top of the soil and mix thoroughly into the soil, water in granules and reapply every 8 weeks as needed; for full use instructions please see product label


If you love roses, we have made it easier for you to pick the best insecticides for roses. We have highlighted some of the insecticides that work effectively on roses.

Comparison table for the best insecticides for roses


Insecticide Rank Pros

Bonide Insect Control Systemic Granules


·         Useful in managing most insects that are harmful to roses. Separately manufactured for shrubs and roses.

·         Pollinating insects like bees are free from harm because it is not a contact insecticide.

·         Application should be once every two months.


PyGanic Gardening Botanical Insecticide Pyrethrin Concentrate.



·         It is a non-harmful plant-friendly insecticide suitable for use In flowers, fruits, and various species of plants.

·         Doesn’t last long in the environment

·         OMRI listed and qualifies for National Organic Program (NOP) requirements

·         Appreciated for organic farming


Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer


·         Quick action Insecticide

·         Suitable for use on flowers, fruits, and vegetable plants

·         After the first application on indoor plants, give proper care and attention for some weeks.



Garden Safe Neem Oil Extract


·         OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) Listed.

·         Fit to apply on roses, fruits, and vegetable plants and could be applied even until the time for harvest.

·         Multipurpose solution: Organic insecticide, fungicide, and miticide

·         Safe for humans and pets, making it one of the best insecticides for roses


Ortho Bug B Gon


·         natural pesticide

·         It is not harmful to humans and pets but very harmful to insects.

·         It degenerates in soil and is almost impossible to get to the groundwater or flow to rivers.

·         Suitable for application on roses, fruits, and vegetables as one of the best insecticides for roses



Top 6 best insecticides for roses

Bonide Insect Control Systemic Granules (Imidacloprid Insecticide)

Bonide Insect Control is considered our favorite among the best insecticides for roses. Gardeners who do not enjoy spraying would accept this product.

This product promises to ward off insects away from roses for two weeks.

The chemical Imidacloprid happens to be its working power.

It goes straight to the nervous system of insects as soon as they take it through the sap or leaves.

It was manufactured for the sole purpose of treating shrubs and roses that are infested.

Vegetables or any edible plants are excluded from this treatment.

This product can help manage these insects as claimed by the manufacturer.

  • Plant bugs
  • Mealybugs
  • Adelgids
  • Soft scales
  • Thrips
  • Japanese beetles adults
  • Psyllids
  • Lace bugs
  • Leaf beetles
  • Leafhopper
  • Aphids
  • Leaf miners
  • Pine tip moth larvae
  • Armored scales
  • Sawfly larvae
  • Whiteflies
  • White grub larvae
  • Oriental beetle
  • Fungus gnat larvae

For the last item about fungus, do not forget to read my research of how to treat White and Brown fungus on Palm Trees.

On the surface of the soil is where you should apply the granules if you intend to apply the insecticides in rose pots.

To avoid harming roots that are close to the surface of the soil, mix the granules at the maximum of 1 to 2 inches of the soil.

Ensure it is watered after applying the fertilizer.

Best Insecticides for Roses
Insecticides for Roses

Expert advice:

To ensure the roots adequately take in the insecticides, give light watering to the roses for the first 10 days.

The most effective application for roses is ¼ cup and 1 pound of Bonide insect Control Systemic Insecticide which are able to cover 8 medium-sized roses.

The ingredients for the make up of Bonide Insect Control Systemic Granules Insecticide are very harmful to animals in the water.

It’d be wise not to apply it to roses that are close to water systems, fish ponds, lakes, drainage, and swimming pools.

This insecticide is unpleasant for the skin and eyes, so one has to be very cautious while using it.


  • Useful in managing most insects that are harmful to roses. Separately manufactured for shrubs and roses.
  • Pollinating insects like bees are free from harm because it is not a contact insecticide.
  • The application should be once every two months.


  • Chemical insecticide
  • Too harmful for animals in the water
  • Unfit for usage with vegetables and herbs
  • Cannot handle spider mites and even makes them worse
  • Unpleasant to the skin and the eyes.
  • Poisonous when taken in.
  • Useful Insects might die if you are not cautious in applying the insecticide to your plants.

PyGanic Gardening Botanical Insecticide Pyrethrin Concentrate


Pyrethrin insecticide is fit for flowering plants, shrubs, and vegetables. It is not as harsh as other insecticides, making it one of the best insecticides for roses.

This product covers a wide range of usage from roses to other plants and vegetables, which makes it a special product.

What makes it work very well is the 1.4% pyrethrin that pushes out the microscopic insects and mites that are unseen.

It can control over 200 different pests in your garden, some of these pests include:


  • Aphids
  • Whiteflies
  • Beetles
  • Fruit Flies
  • Mites
  • Japanese Beetles
  • Caterpillars
  • House Flies
  • Boxelder bugs
  • Thrips
  • Crickets
  • Armyworms
  • Leafhoppers
  • Moths
  • Stink Bugs
  • Bag Worms

Pyganic is a contact insecticide. Since it does not endure the heat of direct sunlight and dries up quickly, it is, therefore, unfit to serve as a prevention insecticide for pests.

Though pyganic is very good for flowering plants, it is hazardous to pollinating insects that spread the roses.

If you want to use the fertilizers you have to mix 1 to 1.4 fl.Oz. for a gallon of water per 1,000square feet.

One pint of the raw insecticide can amount to 16 gallons of mixed insecticide. It is necessary to spray thoroughly but not excessively to avoid harming your roses.


  • It is a non-harmful plant-friendly insecticide suitable for use In flowers, fruits, and various species of plants.
  • Doesn’t last long in the environment
  • OMRI listed and qualifies for National Organic Program (NOP) requirements
  • Appreciated for organic farming


  • The wrong usage can be harmful to beneficial insects like bees
  • It fades under direct sunlight
  • It is unsuitable for use indoors or droplets around the house because it is very itchy to the skin.

Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer

If you want to make use of the best insecticides for roses, Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer should be considered.

The roses can gain protection for about 3 months against harmful pests using Sevin Concentrate Bug killer, which is a contact insecticide.

It poses a solution against 500 types of insects, some of which are: Japanese beetles, worms, ticks, ants, and aphids.

The insecticide is concentrated, so just a few droplets can serve massively. A gallon of water is matched up with only 4 ounces of Sevin Concentrate.

It is effective because of the cypermethrin ingredient in it, a synthetic pyrethroid that speeds up the action of neurotoxin to pests.

Cypermethrin is the imitated product of the agricultural insecticide permethrin.

The usual way of applying insecticides is to dress covered from head to toe.

Best Insecticides for Roses
Insecticides for Roses

While applying this chemical, keep pets far from the roses until the chemical is dried




  • Quick action Insecticide
  • Suitable for use on flowers, fruits, and vegetable plants
  • After the first application on indoor plants, give proper care and attention for some weeks.



  • It’s a synthetic/ chemical insecticide
  • Might harm pollinating insects if not applied at the right time of the day(night/early morning)
  • Highly toxic when inhaled and can cause skin irritation if accidentally applied to the skin. Handling with caution is advised.

Garden Safe Neem Oil Extract

We would always include this product as one of the best insecticides for roses on the market.

Neem oil is a product highly sought after in organic gardening.

It is a naturally produced pesticide just like pyrethrin from chrysanthemum flowers and for many centuries without fail, farmers and gardeners have enjoyed using this neem oil.

It is multipurpose and can be used as an insecticide, fungicide, and miticide, which makes it most preferred by gardeners.

This product can be used for not just roses, but also plantings like ornamental trees, shrubs, fruits, vegetables, flowers, and houseplants.

This product is highly recommended for organic vegetable gardens at home

It is often said by producers of this product, that it simplifies the control of garden pests and gives room for nature to finalize it.

The Neem oil exceeds its three basic functions and can serve as a dormant spray that terminates the eggs of harmful insects lurking beneath the leaves and the stem of plants.

Most of the garden insects can be controlled using Garden safe neem oil. These include:


  • Caterpillars
  • Whiteflies
  • Aphids
  • Caterpillars
  • Spider mites
  • Matured insects like Japanese beetles

It is still suitable for controlling fungus infections in plants. Such as:

  • Powdery mildew (in less than 24hours)
  • Black spot on roses
  • Anthracnose
  • Rust

Ensure you carry out a patch test fire, before using the product on your roses.

The product may not be suitable for all varieties of roses, thereby causing damage without first testing it.

You need to accurately time when to apply the product to your plants because it’s an oily product and is capable of burning the plants when the sun is up and hot.


  • OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) Listed.
  • Fit to apply on roses, fruits, and vegetable plants and could be applied even until the time for harvest.
  • Multipurpose solution: Organic insecticide, fungicide, and miticide
  • Safe for humans and pets, making it one of the best insecticides for roses


  • Neem oil may not be effective if the insects don’t take the Insecticide through the sap or leaves, so for a positive result, the insects must take in the neem oil.
  • Not suitable to use under daylight, could result in burning of plants.
  • Impedes the eyes and skin and is more harmful when absorbed through the pores on the skin.
  • Harmful to bees.


Ortho Bug B Gon

The Ortho’s Bug B Goin concentrate makes up our list of systemic insecticides. It has 0.5% of the organic compound Acetamiprid, commonly used to regulate insects.

Plants absorb systemic insecticide from the soil, making their leaves and sap poisonous to insects that feed on them.

It is responsible for the control of Insect such as :

  • Aphids
  • Whiteflies
  • Beetles
  • Thrips
  • Rose scales
  • Rose slugs


The producer affirms that it is quick in action and a sure durable method to manage harmful pests in roses, flowers, fruits, and vegetable plants.

Over time, Acetamiprid, which is the functional substance in the systemic insecticide, degenerates in the soil.

This makes it unable to get to the groundwater and pollute the environment. We listed it as one of the best insecticides for roses for these features.

The content of this Bug B Goin is less harmful to humans and pets. But, any form of taking it in is very poisonous.

Do well to keep it away from children and pets. For the application of this Insecticide, mix 3tbsps.of the concentrate in 1 gallon of water.

Apply it on your roses touching every part from the stem to the corners of the leaves.




  • Natural pesticide
  • It is not harmful to humans and pets but very harmful to insects.
  • It degenerates in soil and is almost impossible to get to the groundwater or flow to rivers.
  • Suitable for application on roses, fruits, and vegetables as one of the best insecticides for roses
  • Deals with very stubborn insects like Bemisia, greenhouse whiteflies, and western flower thrips.




  • It only functions as an Insecticide and not as a multipurpose solution.
  • Bees might be adversely affected if not accurately applied
  • Very poisonous for humans and pets to ingest.
Best Insecticides for Roses
Insecticides for Roses

Monterey Horticultural Oil

When it comes to the best insecticides for roses, Monterey Horticultural oil

Horticultural oil, which is very important in organic gardening, has been functional for centuries.

Part of its make up is petroleum-based oils which meet up the demands for organic gardening.

It covers a wide range of use, from applications on roses to ornamental plants, fruits, and vegetables just like many other organic insecticides.

Monterey’s Horticultural Oil is used as a dormant spray, to destroy the eggs of insects lurking beneath the leaves or stems of your roses.

Hence, You search for a product that will be effective for usage all through the lifespan of your roses ends with this product.

It is also good in controlling insects that plague your roses such as:


  • Aphids
  • Fungus Gnat
  • Leaf Miners
  • Mealy Bugs
  • Mites
  • Powdery Mildew
  • Rust
  • Scales
  • Thrips
  • Whiteflies


For every 1 gallon of water, you can add 2.5 to 5 tablespoons of horticultural oil based on the degree of infestation on your roses.

Just as it is an oily insecticide like neem oil, it should be applied in the early morning hours or night times to prevent your roses from being burnt.

Be sure to be sleeved up and wear thick safety gloves when applying this product because it impedes the skin when it is exposed to the skin.

Also, do not inhale the fumes that ooze out of this product, the petroleum content can cause throwing up and possibly increase the risk of pneumonia.



  • The product is among the best insecticides for roses using organic fertilizer
  • OMRI listed
  • It is not harmful to humans and pets, because surplus oil evaporates when dried.
  • Suitable for use both in growing and dormant seasons.
  • Suitable for use on roses, ornamentals, fruits, and vegetables



  • Doesn’t have after effect
  • Applying under sunlight may lead to the burning of the plant
  • It impedes the skin and eyes on contact with them.